013 Railroading

The RPG XRAY Team Season 2 Episode 13

In this episode of RPG Ex-Ray, hosts Brendan Power, Jason Beaumont, and Erik Saltwell dive deep into the art and science of railroading in tabletop role-playing games.

Our main discussion in the episode is railroading—when and how it's appropriate, the balance between player agency and narrative structure, and how to avoid the pitfalls that can make players feel their choices are meaningless. 

Key Ideas Discussed include:

  • Railroading vs. Player Agency: How to balance structured narratives with allowing players freedom of choice
  • Emergent Gameplay: The benefits and challenges of letting the story unfold organically based on player decisions
  • Jaquaying the Dungeon: Designing dungeons and scenarios that maximize player options and avoid linear paths
  • Consequences of Choices: Ensuring player decisions have meaningful impacts on the game world,
  • Player Expectations: Managing and setting player expectations to avoid feelings of being railroaded
  • GM Techniques: Tips for GMs on how to subtly guide players without overtly restricting their actions
  • Published Adventures: The advantages and pitfalls of using pre-made modules and how to adapt them for your group
  • Session Preparation: Strategies for effective game prep that allows for flexibility and player-driven narratives
  • Narrative Control: Understanding the balance of control between GM and players in creating a compelling story.





  • "Railroading is what happens when there is a violation of expectations at the table about authority." - Erik
  • "I am okay with GMs putting their fingers on the scale in order to ensure that things are a good time." - Brendan
  • "If you can't see that you're being railroaded, you're probably okay with it. It's inartful GMs who are like, actually, that critical hit you just, you fired, it turns out you were shooting at a mirror, you know, or whatever. That's where it rings hollow." - Brendan
  • "I think experiencing the consequences of your decisions will long term better heighten play at the table." - Jason

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