012 Props

The RPG XRAY Team Season 2 Episode 12

This episode’s topic is props. From maps to sound effects, miniatures to background music, props evoke tone, immerse players, and clarify what is going on in your game’s fiction. Join us as we discuss what makes props work, and when they fail.


Erik Saltwell Ethan Schoonover Jason Beaumont


Godzilla Movies (Film, Jason) Alan Wake 2 (Video Game, Brendan) The Expanse (TV, Ethan)


Blade Runner RPG Thousand Year Old Vampire Apollo 47 Technical Manual Red Markets Call of Cthulhu Monsters and Other Childish Things Dread Dungeons & Dragons Delta Green Pendragon


In this episode, we look at how props effect gameplay in tabletop RPGs. Topic points include: 

  • Categories of Props: sensory aids that help people imagine the setting, functional tools that clarify the situation, and emotional enhancers. 
  • Maps: Maps are necessary for tactical grid play, but even napkin sketches help players understand what is happening. Maps are great at evoking tone, but as technology enables us to build higher fidelity maps, we can end up over investing. A prime example of this is the use of maps in VTTs. 
  • Failure is always an option: We discussed times when we had elevated hopes for props that didn’t work out. 
  • Props and the magic circle: One of the most effective uses of props is to help people prepare to enter and leave game space often referred to as the 'magic circle.' 
  • Props as adventure navigation aids: How infographics like timelines and relationship maps can help players navigate complex adventure structures.

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